FlySpeed Data Export

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Data export automation tips

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Running data export on the schedule, not all the data from the table but the data over the period of time regarding the current date are to be extracted. How is it achieved?



You can extract data from SQL queries specifying a range of dates regarding the current one in a query. Generally such constants as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_DATE, and CURRENT_TIME are used. For various database servers constant sets different from standard ones can be used, for example DATE, NOW, TODAY, YESTERDAY, etc.

Please refer to the SQL reference of your database server for details.




I need to extract data programmatically according to criteria specified by users. How can I apply these criteria to the export project?



Launching an export project by means of OLE Automation, you may specify query parameters the export project has. You can find examples of such interaction in a FlySpeed Data Export installation folder.